Recombinant Papio anubis Theta defensin subunit B (BTDB)

MBS1158373-005mgYeast MyBiosource 0.05mg(Yeast) 705 EUR

Recombinant Papio anubis Theta defensin subunit B (BTDB)

MBS1158373-02mgEColi MyBiosource 0.2mg(E-Coli) 635 EUR

Recombinant Papio anubis Theta defensin subunit B (BTDB)

MBS1158373-05mgEColi MyBiosource 0.5mg(E-Coli) 695 EUR

Benzotriazole BT-d10

B206992 Toronto Research Chemicals 1mg 500 EUR

BTD (NM_000060) Human Recombinant Protein

E45H39968M5 EnoGene 20 ug 785.42 EUR

Btd (NM_025295) Mouse Recombinant Protein

E45M45820M5 EnoGene 20 ug 1924.54 EUR

BTD, 44-545aa, Human, His-tag, Baculovirus

MBS206468-0004mg MyBiosource 0.004mg 215 EUR

BTD, 44-545aa, Human, His-tag, Baculovirus

MBS206468-002mg MyBiosource 0.02mg 340 EUR

BTD, 44-545aa, Human, His-tag, Baculovirus

MBS206468-01mg MyBiosource 0.1mg 985 EUR

BTD, 44-545aa, Human, His-tag, Baculovirus

MBS206468-5x01mg MyBiosource 5x0.1mg 4180 EUR

BTD (NM_000060) Human Over-expression Lysate

E45H20255-2 EnoGene 20 ug 395 EUR

BTD (NM_000060) Human Over-expression Lysate

LS000686 BosterBio 100ug 628 EUR
Description: Transient overexpression lysate of biotinidase (BTD)

BTD (372-385) goat polyclonal antibody, Aff - Purified

AP32132PU-N Origene Technologies GmbH 100 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF particles, Btd (GFP-tagged ORF) - Rat biotinidase (Btd), 200ul, >10^7 TU/mL

RR201713L4V Origene Technologies GmbH 200 µl Ask for price

Lenti ORF particles, Btd (GFP-tagged) - Mouse biotinidase (Btd), 200ul, >10^7 TU/mL

MR208483L4V Origene Technologies GmbH 200 µl Ask for price

Lenti ORF particles, BTD (Myc-DDK tagged) - Human biotinidase (BTD), 200ul, >10^7 TU/mL

RC204153L3V Origene Technologies GmbH 200 µl Ask for price

Lenti ORF particles, BTD (mGFP-tagged) - Human biotinidase (BTD), 200ul, >10^7 TU/mL

RC204153L4V Origene Technologies GmbH 200 µl Ask for price

Lenti ORF particles, Btd (Myc-DDK-tagged ORF) - Rat biotinidase (Btd), 200ul, >10^7 TU/mL

RR201713L3V Origene Technologies GmbH 200 µl Ask for price

Lenti ORF particles, Btd (Myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse biotinidase (Btd), 200ul, >10^7 TU/mL

MR208483L3V Origene Technologies GmbH 200 µl Ask for price

Btd (untagged ORF) - Rat biotinidase (Btd), (10 ug)

RN201713 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

BTD (untagged)-Human biotinidase (BTD)

SC310282 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Btd (GFP-tagged) - Mouse biotinidase (Btd)

MG208483 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

BTD (GFP-tagged) - Human biotinidase (BTD)

RG204153 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Btd (untagged) - Mouse biotinidase (Btd), (10ug)

MC203043 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Btd (Myc-DDK-tagged ORF) - Rat biotinidase (Btd), (10 ug)

RR201713 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Btd (Myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse biotinidase (Btd)

MR208483 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

BTD (Myc-DDK-tagged)-Human biotinidase (BTD)

RC204153 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Btd (mGFP-tagged ORF) - Rat biotinidase (Btd), (10 ug)

RR201713L4 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Btd (mGFP-tagged) - Mouse biotinidase (Btd)

MR208483L4 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

Lenti ORF clone of Btd (Myc-DDK-tagged ORF) - Rat biotinidase (Btd), (10 ug)

RR201713L3 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price


CSB-CL002854HU Cusabio 10 μg plasmid + 200μl Glycerol Ask for price


HY-128205 MedChemExpress 10 mg 649.36 EUR
Description: BTD is a selective transient receptor potential canonical 5 (TRPC5) activator. BTD can be used for the research of neurological disease[1].


enz-1004 ProSpec Tany 1µg 60 EUR
Description: Recombinant Human Biotinidase


T37763-10mg TargetMol Chemicals 10mg Ask for price
Description: BTD


T37763-1g TargetMol Chemicals 1g Ask for price
Description: BTD


T37763-1mg TargetMol Chemicals 1mg Ask for price
Description: BTD


T37763-50mg TargetMol Chemicals 50mg Ask for price
Description: BTD


T37763-5mg TargetMol Chemicals 5mg Ask for price
Description: BTD

Lenti ORF clone of Btd (Myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse biotinidase (Btd)

MR208483L3 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

BTD (untagged) - Human biotinidase (BTD), transcript variant 5

SC334208 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

BTD (untagged) - Human biotinidase (BTD), transcript variant 1

SC336727 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

BTD (untagged) - Human biotinidase (BTD), transcript variant 2

SC336728 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

BTD (untagged) - Human biotinidase (BTD), transcript variant 4

SC336605 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price


407483 MedKoo Biosciences 50.0mg 750 EUR


MBS133143-INQUIRE MyBiosource INQUIRE Ask for price


HY-118266 MedChemExpress 25mg 1964.32 EUR
Description: BTdCPU is a potent heme regulated inhibitor kinase (HRI) activator that promotes eIF2α phosphorylation and induces apoptosis in Dexamethasone (HY-14648) (Dex)-resistant cancer cells. BTdCPU can be used in the study of cancers such as multiple myeloma and Dex-resistant multiple myeloma[1][2].


MBS3610622-10mg MyBiosource 10mg 585 EUR


MBS3610622-25mg MyBiosource 25mg 880 EUR


MBS3610622-5mg MyBiosource 5mg 415 EUR


MBS3610622-5x25mg MyBiosource 5x25mg 3630 EUR


MBS5752363-10mg MyBiosource 10mg 550 EUR


MBS5752363-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 230 EUR


MBS5752363-25mg MyBiosource 25mg 930 EUR


MBS5752363-50mg MyBiosource 50mg 1490 EUR


MBS5752363-5mg MyBiosource 5mg 380 EUR


T7150-10mg TargetMol Chemicals 10mg Ask for price
Description: BTdCPU


T7150-1g TargetMol Chemicals 1g Ask for price
Description: BTdCPU


T7150-1mg TargetMol Chemicals 1mg Ask for price
Description: BTdCPU


T7150-50mg TargetMol Chemicals 50mg Ask for price
Description: BTdCPU


T7150-5mg TargetMol Chemicals 5mg Ask for price
Description: BTdCPU

BTD (myc-DDK-tagged) - Human biotinidase (BTD), transcript variant 4

RC238711 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

BTD (myc-DDK-tagged) - Human biotinidase (BTD), transcript variant 1

RC238833 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

BTD (myc-DDK-tagged) - Human biotinidase (BTD), transcript variant 2

RC238834 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price

BTD (myc-DDK-tagged) - Human biotinidase (BTD), transcript variant 5

RC236314 Origene Technologies GmbH 10 µg Ask for price


20-abx909374 Abbexa
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 15 nmol
  • 30 nmol

BTD siRNA (Rat)

MBS8224020-15nmol MyBiosource 15nmol 405 EUR

BTD siRNA (Rat)

MBS8224020-30nmol MyBiosource 30nmol 565 EUR

BTD siRNA (Rat)

MBS8224020-5x30nmol MyBiosource 5x30nmol 2450 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

A13955 Abclonal 100μL 70.85 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

A13955-100ul Abclonal 100 ul 369.6 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

A13955-200ul Abclonal 200 ul 550.8 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

A13955-20ul Abclonal 20 ul 219.6 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

A13955-50ul Abclonal 50 ul 267.6 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

A6284 Abclonal 1000μL 88.56 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

A6284-100ul Abclonal 100 ul 369.6 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

A6284-200ul Abclonal 200 ul 550.8 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

A6284-20ul Abclonal 20 ul 219.6 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

A6284-50ul Abclonal 50 ul 267.6 EUR

BTD cDNA Clone

MBS1275899-001mgPlasmid02mLGlycerolStock MyBiosource 0.01mgPlasmid+0.2mLGlycerol-Stock 330 EUR

BTD cDNA Clone

MBS1275899-5x001mgPlasmid5x02mLGlycerolStock MyBiosource 5x0.01mgPlasmid+5x0.2mLGlycerol-Stock 1430 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

E2506284 EnoGene 100ul 225 EUR
Description: Available in various conjugation types.

BTD Rabbit pAb

E45R26392N EnoGene 50 ul 297.75 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

E45R20517N EnoGene 50 ul 297.75 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

MBS8545991-01mL MyBiosource 0.1mL 305 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

MBS8545991-01mLAF405L MyBiosource 0.1mL(AF405L) 565 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

MBS8545991-01mLAF405S MyBiosource 0.1mL(AF405S) 565 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

MBS8545991-01mLAF610 MyBiosource 0.1mL(AF610) 565 EUR

BTD Rabbit pAb

MBS8545991-01mLAF635 MyBiosource 0.1mL(AF635) 565 EUR

BTD antibody

38793 SAB 100ul 439 EUR

BTD antibody

38793-100ul SAB 100ul 302.4 EUR