ECL Western Blotting Substrate
KF005 Affbiotech 100ml 168 EUR
ECL Western Blotting Substrate
KF005-100ul Affinity Biosciences 100ul 84 EUR
Description: WB
ECL Western Blotting Substrate
KF8005 Affinity Biosciences 100ml 140 EUR
Description: N/A
ECL Western Blotting Substrate
KF8005-100ml Affinity Biosciences 100ml 84 EUR
Description: WB
ECL Western Blotting Substrate
MBS9633871-100mL MyBiosource 100mL 205 EUR
ECL Western Blotting Substrate
MBS9633871-5x100mL MyBiosource 5x100mL 930 EUR
Ecl Plus Western Blotting - PK3
RPN2236 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK3 710.1 EUR
TMB Solution for Western Blotting
18186-24 NACALAI TESQUE 200ML 77 EUR
ECL Western Blotting Substrate Kit
42R-1001 Fitzgerald 500 ml 152 EUR
Description: ECL Western Blotting Substrate Kit for use in the research laboratory
ECL Western Blotting Substrate Kit
K2187-50 ApexBio 50 assays 243.2 EUR
Description: Kits|Tools Kit#Tools Kit|Western Blot Kit#Kits
ECL Western Blotting Substrate Kit
K2187-500 ApexBio 500 assays 608 EUR
Description: Kits|Tools Kit#Tools Kit|Western Blot Kit#Kits
ECL Western Blotting Substrate Kit
K820-50 Biovision each 183.6 EUR
ECL Western Blotting Substrate Kit
K820-500 Biovision each 405.6 EUR
WSHT-ZY5 Western Blotting System
HTES2003 Shanghai WSHT Biotechnology set 305.2 EUR
ECL Western Blotting Substrate Kit
GWB-AXR377 GenWay Biotech 50 ml Ask for price
ECL Western Blotting Substrate Kit
GWB-AXR378 GenWay Biotech 500 ml Ask for price
ECL Plus Western Blotting Substrate
AR1196 BosterBio 50mL(sufficient reagents for 500 cm2 of membrane) 121.2 EUR
ECL Plus Western Blotting Substrate
AR1196-200 BosterBio 200mL 132 EUR
Description: Boster's ECL Plus Western Blotting Substrate is an ultra-sensitive, luminol-based chemiluminescent substrate for the detection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) at high sensitivity levels (low picogram to mid-femtogram). Boster Western Blotting Substrate may be used for immunoblots, western blots, dot blots and any blotting application utilizing horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugates. The substrate can be used with various blocking buffers and on nitrocellulose or PVDF membranes. Such blots will exhibit low backgrounds. Produced chemiluminescence can be visualized on CCD imaging systems or x-ray film.
ECL Plus Western Blotting Substrate
MBS1751534-INQUIRE MyBiosource INQUIRE Ask for price
ECL Plus Western Blotting Substrate
MBS1753888-200mL MyBiosource 200mL 220 EUR
ECL Plus Western Blotting Substrate
MBS1753888-5x200mL MyBiosource 5x200mL 840 EUR
WESTSAVE Up (Western Blotting Substrate)
LF-QC0101 Abfrontier 1 kit 181.2 EUR
Description: Abfrontier WESTSAVE UpTM (Western Blotting Substrate) is enhanced luminol-based chemiluminescent substrate for the non-radioactive detection of Horseradish Peroxidase(HRP) labeled antibodies.
Antibody Diluent for Western Blotting
MBS1753880-500mL MyBiosource 500mL 175 EUR
Antibody Diluent for Western Blotting
MBS1753880-5x500mL MyBiosource 5x500mL 645 EUR
ECL Prime Western Blotting Det - EACH
RPN2232 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 345.6 EUR
ClearBand ECL Western Blotting Substrate
ECL250 Ecotech Biotechnology 250 ml 99 EUR
Description: ClearBand ECL Western Blotting Substrate is specifically formulated for highly sensitive, non-radioactive, enhanced luminol-based chemiluminescent substrate for easy detection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) on immunoblots. ClearBandECL Western Blotting Substrate offers excellent signal to noise ratio and clear background. ECL50 is sufficient for 400 cm²of membrane contents and ECL250 is sufficient for 2000 cm²of membrane contents.
ClearBand ECL Western Blotting Substrate
ECL50 Ecotech Biotechnology 50 ml 29.7 EUR
Description: ClearBand ECL Western Blotting Substrate is specifically formulated for highly sensitive, non-radioactive, enhanced luminol-based chemiluminescent substrate for easy detection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) on immunoblots. ClearBandECL Western Blotting Substrate offers excellent signal to noise ratio and clear background. ECL50 is sufficient for 400 cm²of membrane contents and ECL250 is sufficient for 2000 cm²of membrane contents.
Immuno Spin Trap Western Blotting Kit
MBS480323-1Kit MyBiosource 1Kit 1025 EUR
Immuno Spin Trap Western Blotting Kit
MBS480323-5x1Kit MyBiosource 5x1Kit 4575 EUR
Western Blotting Antibody Dilution Buffer
E-IR-R121-100mL Elabscience Biotech 100mL 40 EUR
Western Blotting Antibody Dilution Buffer
E-IR-R121-200mL Elabscience Biotech 200mL 70 EUR
Western Blotting Antibody Dilution Buffer
E-IR-R121-500mL Elabscience Biotech 500mL 120 EUR
Western Blotting Antibody Dilution Buffer
E-IR-R121-each Elabscience Biotech each Ask for price
Western Blotting Antibody Dilution Buffer
MBS2567146-100mL MyBiosource 100mL 105 EUR
Western Blotting Antibody Dilution Buffer
MBS2567146-200mL MyBiosource 200mL 130 EUR
Western Blotting Antibody Dilution Buffer
MBS2567146-500mL MyBiosource 500mL 160 EUR
Western Blotting Antibody Dilution Buffer
MBS2567146-5x500mL MyBiosource 5x500mL 675 EUR
TBST 20X, pH 7.5 for Western Blotting
40120065-1 Bio-WORLD 500 mL 37.02 EUR
TBST 20X, pH 7.5 for Western Blotting
40120065-2 Bio-WORLD 1 L 64.13 EUR
TBST 20X, pH 7.5 for Western Blotting
40120065-3 Bio-WORLD 4 L 182.58 EUR
GERPN2232 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 329.01 EUR
HiPer® Western Blotting Teaching Kit
HTI009-20PR EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 274.64 EUR
Description: HiPer® Western Blotting Teaching Kit
HiPer® Western Blotting Teaching Kit
HTI009-5PR EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 82.63 EUR
Description: HiPer® Western Blotting Teaching Kit
HiPurA® Fast Western Blotting Buffers
ML210-25R EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 371.41 EUR
Description: HiPurA® Fast Western Blotting Buffers
HiPurA® Fast Western Blotting Buffers
ML210-5R EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 82.57 EUR
Description: HiPurA® Fast Western Blotting Buffers
Bullet Blocking One for Western Blotting
13779-01 NACALAI TESQUE 1L 137.9 EUR
Bullet Blocking One for Western Blotting
13779-14 NACALAI TESQUE 200ML 33.6 EUR
Bullet Blocking One for Western Blotting
13779-56 NACALAI TESQUE 50ML 11.2 EUR
Super ECL Plus Western Blotting Substrate
EZWB01-SEP100 Shanghai WSHT Biotechnology 2x100mL 72 EUR
Super ECL Plus Western Blotting Substrate
EZWB01-SEP50 Shanghai WSHT Biotechnology 2x50mL 43.2 EUR
Super ECL Plus Western Blotting Substrate
EZWB01-SEP500 Shanghai WSHT Biotechnology 2x500mL 252 EUR
Enhanced ECL Western Blotting Substrate Kit
MBS7614907-005mg MyBiosource 0.05mg 520 EUR
Enhanced ECL Western Blotting Substrate Kit
MBS7614907-02mg MyBiosource 0.2mg 985 EUR
Enhanced ECL Western Blotting Substrate Kit
MBS7614907-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 2825 EUR
Enhanced ECL Western Blotting Substrate Kit
MBS7614907-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 11860 EUR
HiPurA® Fast Unik Western Blotting Buffe
ML211-25R EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 204.57 EUR
Description: HiPurA® Fast Unik Western Blotting Buffe
HiPurA® Fast Unik Western Blotting Buffe
ML211-5R EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 45.5 EUR
Description: HiPurA® Fast Unik Western Blotting Buffe
Rapid Western Blotting Kit Rat-Wet Transfer
20750009-1 Bio-WORLD 1 Kit 245.77 EUR
Rapid Western Blotting Kit Goat-Wet Transfer
20750007-1 Bio-WORLD 1 Kit 245.77 EUR
WESTSAVE Up (Western Blotting Substrate, double pack)
LF-QC0102 Abfrontier 1 kit(Double pack) 266.4 EUR
Description: Abfrontier WESTSAVE UpTM (Western Blotting Substrate) is enhanced luminol-based chemiluminescent substrate for the non-radioactive detection of Horseradish Peroxidase(HRP) labeled antibodies.
Amersham ECL DualVue Western Blotting Markers - EACH
RPN810 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 298.35 EUR
Western Blotting Filter Paper, 0.158mm thick, 12.5cm × 12.5cm
AR0172 BosterBio 100 sheets 20 EUR
Description: Boster’s Western Blotting Filter Paper is pre-cut cotton fiber for wet, passive or electrophoretic transfer of proteins from polyacrylamide gels (SDS-PAGE) to PVDF, nitrocellulose, or other membranes. These filter papers are manufactured with ultrapure water and contain no additives that can interfere with any application. The smooth sheets are suitable for use with alcohol and other organic solvents involved in protein transfer and nucleic acid blotting. The papers also provide a uniform flow of buffer through the gel to the transfer membrance in a blotting sandwich.
Western Blotting Filter Paper, 0.158mm thick, 9cm × 7.5cm
AR0173 BosterBio 100 sheets 15 EUR
Description: Boster’s Western Blotting Filter Paper is pre-cut cotton fiber for wet or semi-dry, passive or electrophoretic transfer of proteins from polyacrylamide gels (SDS-PAGE) to PVDF, nitrocellulose, or other membranes. These filter papers are manufactured with ultrapure water and contain no additives that can interfere with any application. The smooth sheets are suitable for use with alcohol and other organic solvents involved in protein transfer and nucleic acid blotting. The papers also provide a uniform flow of buffer through the gel to the transfer membrance in a blotting sandwich.
Rapid Western Blotting Kit Rat-Semi Dry Transfer
20750008-1 Bio-WORLD 1 Kit 222.53 EUR
Rapid Western Blotting Kit Goat-Semi Dry Transfer
20750006-1 Bio-WORLD 1 Kit 222.53 EUR
Rapid Western Blotting Kit Mouse-Semi Dry Transfer
20750000-1 Bio-WORLD 1 Kit 222.53 EUR
GloBrite chemiluminescence reagent kit for western blotting 200 mL
GLB1 Detroit R&D 200 mL 137 EUR
GloBrite chemiluminescence reagent kit for western blotting 500 mL
GLB2 Detroit R&D 500 mL 297 EUR
Mayaro virus (MAYV) 6K Protein control for Western Blotting
MAYV51-C Alpha Diagnostics 100 ug 343.2 EUR
Mayaro virus (MAYV) E3 protein control for Western Blotting
MAYV61-C Alpha Diagnostics 100 ul 343.2 EUR
Signal Enhancer HIKARI for Western Blotting and ELISA (50ml)
Signal Enhancer HIKARI for Western Blotting and ELISA (250ml)
Western Blotting Boxes,15.2 x 10.2 x 5.1 cm (6 x 4 x 2in)
LC7021-005 GenDepot 5/Pk 102 EUR
Mayaro virus (MAYV) nsP1 protein control for Western Blotting
MAYV41-C Alpha Diagnostics 100 ul 343.2 EUR
Western Blotting Rat IgG DAB Chromogenic Reagent Kit (Yellow)
SA2023 BosterBio 1 kit(1200 cm2) 169.2 EUR